Fitted Hawaii hat heute einen Design Contest gestartet, bei dem ihr Anhand ein paar Vorgaben euer eigenes New Era Cap designen könnt und die Fitted Hawaii Crew entscheidet dann welches Design produziert wird. Wenn ihr also etwas Kreativität in euch habt, auf gehts. Hier noch mal alle Infos 1:1.
„Aloha! Instead of a physical release today, we thought we’d do something fun to pass the time while most of us are on lockdown.
Here’s your chance to create your own FITTED hat based on the parameters given on the form. Please attach a short story or explanation to accompany your design and email it to Please put “FITTED DESIGN CONTEST” as the subject of your email. Submissions will be accepted from now until Saturday May 16th at 11:59pm HST. Only ONE of each design can be submitted per person.
The winner will be selected by the FITTED staff. Their hat will be produced and they will get one for free. We are excited to see what you guys come up with!
You can download the design templates at
Good luck!“